copyediting, proofreading

The Grammar Geek

Spyder Product Catalog
Here's a product brochure that I had to proofread before publication.

I had the pleasure of copyediting this book, a concise how-to guide on teaching money management to children.

Here's an engaging book I proofread about getting rich slowly.

This is the first in a series of action/
​mystery novels I've proofread. They're all page-turners, and I'm lucky I get to work on them.

Here's an engaging book I proofread about getting rich quickly.

Here's a wonderfully informative book packed with facts about the desegregation of the Milwaukee Public School system. I copyedited it from cover to cover.


Below are some of the many books I've had the opportunity to work on. Click on any of the titles or images to learn more.

I spent more than five years on the editorial staff of Quality Progress magazine. Below are a few of the many articles I edited in my time there. The style we followed was a modified version of AP style. ​​Click on a title to download a PDF.

product catalogs


​​​The Effects of Increased Enrollment of International Students on Student Services at Six Washington State Community Colleges
by Mari Acob-Nash

Assessing the Relationship Between Intercultural Competence and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of International Fulbright Students in the U.S.
by Chris Cartwright

Applied Baccalaureate Programs in Community Colleges—to Implement or Not to Implement: A Case Study of Lessons Learned at Green River College

by Sy Ear

Change Management and Guided Pathways: Creating a Plan for Implementation at a 
Washington State Community College

by Sy Ear and Sandra Spadoni

Intercultural Empathy: Building and Broadening Intercultural Empathy in Multicultural Learning Environments

by Carrie-Lynn Enroth

Perceptions of Washington State Community College Administrators About the Northwest Commission for Colleges and Universities’ New Regional Accreditation Standards
by Teresa Holland-Rich

Native American Policing: Leading in a Conflicting and Opposing U.S. Legal System

by Brian P. Kauffman

Does One Size Fit All? New Administrators’ Experience of a Suburban Metro Nebraska School District’s Induction Program​​

​by Alecia Kotlarz

A Diversity and Inclusion Program for a Traditional Organization
by Lisa Lakes

Kingdoms of the Earth: Coloured Identity, African Initiated Churches, and the Politics of Black Nationalism in South Africa, 1892 to 1948
by Tshepo Masango

Intercultural and Academic Transitions: A Study of the Gap Between Chinese Secondary Schools and Western Universities
by Bonnie K. Mills

From No Choice to Forced Choice to School Choice: A History of Educational Options in Milwaukee Public Schools

by James K. Nelsen

Intercultural Interaction Among Atudent-Athletes at an NCAA Division I University
by Laurie O'Donnell

Gendered Leadership? Female Community College Presidents and Their Leadership Behaviors

by Lida Rafia

Mentoring Refugees: An Interculturally Grounded Training for Volunteers Mentoring in Refugee Befriender Programs
by Leslie J. Rapp

Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors: Investigation of an Educational Intervention Strategy With At-Risk Females
by Susan R. Rustvold

A Case Study: Transitioning of Leadership at Elisa Monte Dance and Its Plans for Sustainability in a Competitive New York City Dance Market

by Demetrius Shields

Training the Korean "High-Potential" Employees to Code-Switch At USHQ in Order to Advance Their Careers

by Michelle Taylor-Posey

Building a Cultural Mentor toolkit: Intercultural training for on-site study abroad practitioners

by Megan Telzrow

A Self-Discovery Manual for Former Military-Connected Children

by Aika Yee

The Experiences of Middle-Level Chinese Female Adult Immigrants Working at West Coast Community and Technical Colleges

by Lin Zhou

Improved Gage R&R Measurement Studies

I was the regular editor of a bimonthly column called "Measure for Measure." As you can tell from reading it, the column was highly technical.

Ghosts in Your Process? Who Ya Gonna Call?

Here's a fairly technical article about a nine-step problem-solving process that focuses on data examination.

Bringing Lean to the Office
This article is about a group of college students who use the principles of lean manufacturing to improve processes in the university’s admissions office.

Below is a partial list of the academic papers I've copyedited and proofread. To view the list formatted according to various academic styles (Chicago/Turabian, APA, MLA), check out this PDF.

magazine articles

Below are a couple of the projects I've worked on in the glitzy world of advertising. Click on them to download PDFs.

Can-Am Product Catalog
Here's a very technical product brochure that I had to proofread many, many times before publication.

Until proofreading this book, I was unaware that 18th-century Scottish adventure is a sub-genre of romance fiction. It was so much fun to work on.

This is a cool little book about using Excel to win fantasy football. Sometimes work and play intersect.

A great little book written by a university president. I copyedited it.